Monday, 1 February 2010

The ball starts to roll

Well the ball truly is rolling now.  This morning I contacted Dalziel High School and they've very helpfully agreed to add some details about the reunion to the school website, which they'll do as soon as they can.  The jury's out on whether they feel able to provide me with a list of the names of everyone who was in the class of 1974-1980 because of interpretation of the Data Protection Act, but we have 86 names which we remembered as a starting point anyway and the likelihood is that even with a name we're unlikely to be able to track everyone down to make sure they know about it.

The other thing I did today is create a Friends Reunited school reunion on that website, and selected leaving years 1978-1980 which should cover everyone who started in 1974.  The way that site works is that now they've sent invitations to everyone who has registered that they left Dalziel High School in any of these three years, which when you think about it will also cover people a couple of years older and younger than us too, depending on at what stage they left their year.  So 247 people have now been invited!  I've had a quick scan down the names, and most are unfamiliar to me (or are familiar from years above or below) so are clearly from other years, and I've worded the invitation so that it clearly specifies 1974-1980 so, nice as it would be to see some of them I'm sure, we should only get the right people responding.

So now we have this Blog, the Facebook event, Friends Reunited, and the school website publicising our reunion.  But word of mouth is also very important, so send those emails and make those calls and pass relevant contact details to me!